Improve Your Business Through Atomic Habits

James Clear’s widely successful book Atomic Habits breaks down habits into four parts: the cue, craving, response, and reward. This method shows readers how they can also form habits. Luckily, Clear’s formula can be applied to business. 4 Habits That Will Improve Your Business The Cue When developing a habit, Clear suggests making the cue as evident as possible. A cue is an outside stimulus that reminds you of the habit you wish to form. Therefore, your goal is to make your business as obvious as possible. With your advertising, you want your prospects and customers to see your ads and then associate them with the habit of buying from you. To do this, make your ads big, bright, and hard to miss. Use large banners to capture attention with design that pops. The Craving After your customer has seen the cue, they then need to want your product or service. Therefore make it as attractive as possible. Clear writes, “Every behavior is preceded by a predi...