How to Stay Healthy When You're Stressed

The new year is a terrific time to focus on your health. One of the greatest overall benefits to your health is eliminating or reducing your stress. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy when you’re stressed out. 1. Get regular exercise. This sounds simple enough, yet most of us struggle with it. Exercise can include parking farther away so you have a longer walk to work or the mall. It can involve swimming, playing basketball with a friend, and even window shopping at the mall. Just find ways to move around more and things you enjoy. 2. Keep a sense of humor. Try to relax enough to laugh. Read a joke book. Read a funny book or watch a funny TV show or movie. Have lunch with a friend who lightens the mood. 3. Try some relaxation techniques. Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, tai chi, or even getting a massage are great makes to stop awhile and take care of yourself. This is the best way to stay on top of your game. 4. Take time for hobbies. Think about wha...